another short story in the same universe of my OC

9 min read

Deviation Actions

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(an emo doll ova)

“Things can change quickly in times of war. This is something that I've learned to cope with; and sometimes, with passing time, even learn to like. For example, look at who I'm fighting this war with. People that I used to consider my enemies. Not for personal reasons, by because of where we stood; we were on the two opposing sides of the law. Well, I guess for one person in particular it is also for a personal reason; and that one person is now probably my most trusted teammate as he had proved to me in battle by saving me from certain death numerous times. And I would do the same to him. I would even go as far as to say that this person who was my enemy once, is now my closest friend in this insane world. And I say it's personal cause he spent a good chunk of his life chasing after me, for once upon a time, he was a righteous detective, and I was a criminal mastermind.

“Before I was recruited to join the war, I was a vigilante. I didn't want to join the army like the others, so, in a sense, I was an outcast. I lived underground, and I only went up to the surface when it was absolutely necessary for me to come up. But I had men, trustworthy men, who worked for me, and we believe that together, we could take over the nation someday. I plotted schemes of how to get stuff done, and they would carry out my plans for me. We were insignificant on the authority's radar because, I assume, of our small crimes, but I suppose they noticed us when I planned – and succeeded – in stealing military weapons. That's when we became dangerous enough for the news and media to fear us. Most detectives were clueless on how to find us, except for one. I knew he was going to be a worthy adversary the moment I met him. His name was Hym. He single handedly found our headquarters and eradicated most of my men; they fought him, and they died. They did well though, I suppose, as they created a distraction long enough for me and a selected few to relocate. We had to leave most of our belongings behind us and run away. We did manage to get away, but I never forgot that day. I did leave him a note though in our chamber, which I assume he got to eventually as he had went throughout our entire lair. The note was a threat; I basically warned him that by touching what belongs to me, he had made a big mistake, and that he is a walking dead man. I'm not sure if that did plant fear in his heart, but I do know that actions speak louder than words; what I delivered were words; his actions were far more effective. I recruited new men and we started anew. This time, it was far more secure than the last one, and we managed to hide there for 5 years. We became celebrates on the news for those five years, celebrates for the wrong reasons of course. My men were at ease, laughing at the broadcasts, but I knew better. I knew that Hym was out there looking for us. Surely enough, I was right, and I knew this by his unexpected invasion; he found us again, and slaughtered us once more. This time, though, I decided to not run.

“You want to fight him? Are you insane? He could kill you, boss.”

“He killed most of my men, Thyr. I won't stand by and watch him as he do this.”

“But how are you going to fight him? You're not a fighter, boss, you're a thinker!”

“That's where Thyr was both right and wrong. I wasn't a fighter; he had never seen me do any kind of physical fighting, simply because it's not my thing. But, what he did not know, is that before I turned my back on my country, I was suppose to be a solider – a blue, to be precise – and that I havn't stopped practicing channeling and unleashing my powers just because I dropped out of school. I kept training hard, so that I would be able to fight for myself if it is ever needed. And today seemed to be that very day. And so, I opened one of my suitcases and shocked Thyr by putting on a couple of bracelets that we stole from the military a while ago. And just as I did that, Hym stormed into my chamber, breaking down the door.

“Finally.. after all these years, I caught up with you. What, you're not gonna try to run again?”

“I fear no one, Hym.. not even you.”

“Didn't look it when you last knew I was there, Hee. You picked up and ran.”

“You know, you're a brave idiot. You have willingly came to the one person who's going to be the end of you.”

“Who? That guy behind you?”

“No, me.”

“With that, I focused my hands towards him and fired a shot; he dodged it in time, and drew out his sword and started charging towards me. As he ran towards me, I saw a smile grow across his face. Right then and there, a smile grew on mine as I engaged in what I came to consider to be the most challenging fight of my life. He was the best Red I have ever fought. Thyr, one of my devoted men, offered to jump into the fight and shield hits for me. He was a Silver and had no problems doing so, but I told him to stay out of this. This wasn't just a normal duel, but what I would label as a legendary one, and I didn't want to share its glory with anyone.

The fight went on for hours, until we were both too tired to physically move. We saw the exhaust in each others' eyes, but refused to lay down our weapons. But before we could collapse on the floor and crash, we heard sirens approaching from the outside. I wanted to finish the fight, but if I stuck around and got arrested, I would never get the chance to do so. And so, me and Thyr fled the scene.

“Boss.. they're not chasing after us.”

“Of course they're not.”

“How do you know this?”

“Cause Hym didn't tell them that we're taking this route, and he's not going to.”

“Oh.. I don't get it boss, why wouldn't he tell them?”

“Because he wants the same thing that I want; another chance to continue and finish our fight. We would never get that if they caught and arrested me.”

“Oh.. you are very smart, boss.”

“You have no idea.”

“I wasn't gloating. By telling him that I'm smart, which may sound like me bragging, was actually a threat. If Thyr studied me as well as I have studied him, he would've known that I don't brag or gloat. And he would've known that I knew the truth; I studied not only my enemies, but also my supposedly trusted men, and even as I fought Hym, I did pay attention to Thyr, and that's when I knew that he was a traitor. But I didn't kill him. I needed to use him for one more last little thing. And I did. After we got away to a safe place, I rested there and gave him a chance to prove that he's a traitor, which he took. Hym, once again, showed up.

“So we meet again, Hym. Oh, I couldn't have guessed that.”

“You can't run away from me, Hee. I will always hunt you down.”

“Yep. Let's finish what we started last time. Oh, but first, I think we should clap for your rat, I mean, he did do a good job and that shouldn't go unappreciated. Isn't that right, rat?”

“Boss? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Call me boss and act loyal all you want, Thyr. I'm not stupid. I know you're working with Hym; I saw the way you two made eye contact while I was fighting him last time. I know you're a cop working with him, pretending to work with me so that you could tell him where I am at times, which makes perfect sense since it is a perfect plan. But now it's over.”

“Alright, you got me. Yeah I'm a cop, but, if you knew this earlier, why didn't you kill me then?”

“Cause I needed you to bring Hym to me one last time.”

“Heh, you are smart, Hee. Thyr really is my partner as you have guessed, and we've both been working on your case to bring you down. I will admit, Hee, you certainly are smart. It would be a shame to kill you.”

“And you are a brave and skilled with your blade. I am impressed. I don't suppose you would consider quitting the force and joining me?”

“Haha, no sorry, I don't work with scumbags. Now, prepare to die.”

“And So, both Hym and me engaged in battle again, and gave it our all. It was a wonderful little war that we created that day. Thyr did pull out his gun to try and shoot me, and I did think about ending his life so I could focus on Hym, but before me and Thyr got into it, Hym told me off. Apparently, he thought of me the same way I thought of him; a worthy adversary. I suppose that's why we get called the dynamic duo several times by other teammates and soldiers in the war; however, to how we ended up working together on the same team in the war, though, is a another story for another time.

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